Famicase 2016: Caravan
The Famicase exhibit for 2016 is out and, for the first time, yours truly has an entry.
The descriptive text:
銀河の辺境のちっぽけな惑星で、あなたはCARAVANの指揮を任命されてしまった。寄せ集めのパーティで危険豊かな大陸を越えるのか? それとも星の藻屑になるのか? ロジックと運を試すドラマチックアドベンチャーゲーム「CARAVAN」でその答えを見つけましょう。 (ネットプレイ可)
Or in English:
On a tiny planet on the far end of the galaxy, you've been assigned command of a CARAVAN. Can you cross a continent full of dangers with a rag-tag party? Or will you turn into just another lump of space trash? Find the answer in CARAVAN, the Dramatic Adventure game that tests your logic and luck! (Net play available)
If "Dramatic Adventure" doesn't ring any bells, have a look here.
The base graphics all came from the Internet Archive Books Project, which is wonderful as always.
This is the first year at the new location near Nakano, and I managed to make the opening party. There's a lot of great entries, so do drop by if you have a chance - the exhibit is up all through May, and they're taking votes on the cartridge to use for next year's flyer as well. Ψ