Famicase 2017: Electric Cafe Hazikami
This year I entered Famicase again, this time with an entry based on old Japanese cafe advertising.

The description for this Cafe Simulator game goes like this:
喧噪から離れて、穏やかなひとときを愉しめる電気喫茶「薑」。同時発売の「フルーツパーラー 蕪」と連携可能。
Or, in English:
Get away from the noisy streets and enjoy a quiet moment in Electric Cafe Hazikami. You can also trade data with the companion game Fruits Parlor Kabu.
薑 or "Hazikami" is an old word for ginger. After I picked the name I found out there's actually an izakaya with that name in Okayama.
日本の商業デザイン ("Commercial Design of Japan") was a valuable reference for Taisho and early Showa advertising. The cup is a design by Koloman Moser with color by Jutta Sika that I saw in Scotland a few years ago.
The exhibit is running in Nakano until the end of the month, so do drop by if you have a chance. And if you're not in Japan but interested, put the event on your schedule for next year - submissions are welcome from anywhere. Ψ